
Low Level Laser Hair Therapy in Bangalore

Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy employs safe, low-energy laser light to stimulate hair follicles, promoting hair growth and preventing further loss. It's a non-invasive, painless treatment with no known side effects, suitable for both men and women experiencing hair thinning or baldness.

Reflection Facethetics in Bangalore, experience the benefits of Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy. Our skilled professionals utilize advanced laser technology to revitalize your hair follicles, restoring volume and thickness to your locks. Say goodbye to hair loss worries and embrace a fuller, healthier mane with our tailored treatment plans.

Low Level Laser Hair Therapy Cost in Bangalore

Investing in Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy at Reflection Facethetics in Bangalore is worthwhile for its proven results, restoring confidence and self-esteem. Investing in Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy at Reflection Facethetics in Bangalore is worthwhile for its proven results, restoring confidence and self-esteem. Cost ranges between 25,000 to 60,000 rupees & it may vary from patient to patient.

Treatment Package Cost (INR)
12 Sessions 25,000
24 Sessions 45,000
36 Sessions 60,000

Factors affecting the cost

Several factors influence the effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy at Reflection Facethetics:

  • Consistency: Adherence to scheduled sessions ensures optimal stimulation of hair follicles for better growth.
  • Individual Response: Response to therapy differs due to genetics, health, and hair condition.
  • Underlying Conditions: Treating scalp issues like dandruff or inflammation aids in hair restoration efficacy.
  • Lifestyle: Balanced diet, hydration, and stress management foster a conducive environment for hair growth.
  • Follow-Up Care: Continued use of recommended products and occasional maintenance sessions uphold treatment benefits.

Benefits of Low Level Laser Hair Therapy

  • Stimulates Hair Growth: Low-level laser therapy boosts blood flow to the scalp, promoting hair follicle activity.
  • Non-Invasive: It's painless and doesn't involve surgery or medications, making it a safe option.
  • No Side Effects: Unlike some treatments, it carries minimal risk of adverse reactions.
  • Suitable for Various Hair Loss Types: Effective for both genetic and temporary hair loss conditions.
  • Convenient and Comfortable: Sessions are quick, typically painless, and require no downtime, fitting into busy schedules.

Ideal Candidate for Low Level Laser Hair Therapy

  • Mild to moderate hair loss or thinning without underlying medical conditions warranting alternative treatments.
  • Prefers non-invasive, drug-free solutions for hair restoration.
  • Realistic about treatment expectations and committed to consistent therapy sessions.
  • Seeks convenient, comfortable options for addressing hair loss concerns.
  • Willing to follow post-treatment care instructions for optimal results and maintenance.

Utilizes safe laser light to stimulate hair follicles, promoting growth and preventing further loss.

No, it's non-invasive and painless, with most patients experiencing only a mild warming sensation.

Results vary, but typically, several sessions spread over weeks to months are required for noticeable improvement.

Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy is generally safe, with minimal risks or side effects reported.

It's effective for various types of hair loss, but individual response may vary. A consultation helps determine suitability.